This is Alex. Alex is an oddball in his class. He looks mean and unamused all the time, his movements are extremely loose and casual, and at first glance, everyone thinks he's an asshole. But he's actually the type to eat eclairs and cheesecake for lunch, he loves candy, he's awkward and spacey. In fact, he seems to be the master at creating awkward moments.
By the way, this is a special secret chance to read a script to a possible comic I may be making in the future ;3
My favorite Alex moments:
Alex: *fishes around in his lunchbox and takes out a small slice of quishe and a fancy looking strawberry cake with frosting*
Kaylee: *glances over at alex every so often while she eats and reads*
Alex: *sighs as if relieved, eating slowly with a fork* *very quietly* it's so quiet
Kaylee: *continues to remain silent*
Alex: *glances over with a bit of cake frosting on his face, looks like he's trying to make out the title of the book*
Kaylee: *continues to read* do you have an interest in the book I'm reading?
Alex: Ah-- um-- Just curious..
Kaylee: are you into mysteries?
Alex: Well, sure, if they're not too.. you know, violent or disturbing
Kaylee: can't handle heavy gore?
Alex: *shakes his head* makes me feel kinda queezy
Alex: *scraches his head* Makes me wonder if it might happen to me or somethin'... so yeah
Kaylee: *gives him a "are you fucking serious" look*
Kaylee: ...yea...
Alex: ..... *slowly turns back to his cake and eats*
Kaylee: mhm...based on what i see and what I hear....you're some sort of laid back badass or soemthing?
Alex: Huh? oh... I don't really like violence
Kaylee: i see *gets up and goes back to her desk* ...name's Kaylee
Alex: I'm Alex-- wait- I guess you already know since the teacher said... .... *looks agitated from messing up, interupts himself a bit* Nice to meet you.
Kaylee: ....is this like the first time you've been near a girl?
Alex: *looks down in thought*
Alex: umm well *as if counting on his fingers* .. Technically no
Kaylee: *raises an eyebrow* ...jeeze you big city people re an odd bunch
Alex: then you've clearly never been to a city before *groans in defeat*
(this one's long but hillarious)
Alex: *pulls a lolipop from his pocket, unwraps it and pops it in his mouth* hard to explain..
Alex: i dunno, in one place- you want to be away from it all and left alone, in the other you are alone but it's so alone that more people notice you-- *shakes slightly*
Kaylee: ......wow...
Kaylee: its kinda funny....yet sad...but when you walked into the class...you gave us the impression you're some tough badass from the big city
Kaylee: now you just seem like a poser
Alex: *looks over* .. poser...? that's a new one..
Kaylee: well you look nervous and scared to be here.
Alex: *blinks, giving her that same sort of aloof casual cold look that he had when he'd walked in* But I'm not trying to look like anything...
Kaylee: trying...and being...are completely different
Alex: uh.. you lost me
Kaylee: .....god...men are so dumb
Kaylee: the way you talked, and looked said one thing to us
Alex: *frowns* Hey I'll have you know-- .... ... ugh nevermind...
Kaylee: the way you are now is completely different from that
Kaylee: ....well we should go back to clas
Alex: *quirked brow* yeah... *stands* .. I'm not a poser... *looking down and shifting the lolipop in his mouth*
Kaylee: ....*jumps down from the tree and walks with him* whats the deal with the lolipops...do you have an oral fetish or something?
Alex: *face turns red a bit, gives her a look that seems to say 'What in the fuck was that supposed to mean* I.. like lolipops... didn't think that was so weird
Kaylee: well its only weird because the guys that like lolipops here, are gay
Alex: Σ=__ = *chokes a bit*
Kaylee: the funny thingm at least to me is that i think you might be gay, because most guys stare at my tits and drool like rabbie infested dogs
Alex: *glances down at them since she mentioned them* oh.
Kaylee: ah wait....there you go
Kaylee: *smacks him in the back of the head lightly* stop staring pervert
Alex: = = ..... i've seen bigger
*mid smack
Kaylee: ...excuse me@!!
Alex: ah- well it's true- yours are nice though........
Alex: ..sorry?
Kaylee: i can tell you aren;t a ladies man
Alex: only at a distance *sighs*
Kaylee: usually you';d find some way to convince me to take off my top or soemthing
Kaylee: how pathetic
Kaylee: are you one of those :love from afar" creepos?
Alex: *before she asks* Yeah I know, you'd think girls would stop giggling about
*'that hot guy over there' when they don't even know the person
Alex: ... oh...
Alex: that's what you meant..
Kaylee: .....uhh....yea..
Alex: I usually avoid everyone so... um... no? not.. love from afar I guess? I don't know, never thought much about it *heading back into the school*
Kaylee: ...Alex....you are one wierd guy
Kaylee: ...but seriously man,....you nneed to get laid
Alex: I doubt that would help, I need like.. surgery *frowns awkwardly, then laughs* ahh nevermind
Kaylee: *rolls her eyes* watever lolipop boy
Alex: *sticks his tongue out with the loli balanced on it, pulls it back in hit mouth and goes into class*
*with his hands tucked in his pockets
Kaylee: ..*stares* ....are you sure you're not gay ?
Kaylee: i've never seen such balance skills like that
Alex: *looks back with a twitching brow, seems to be glaring* people get bored you know
Kaylee: ....is that what you big city folk call it...or is that just a word drop to cover your real self?
Alex: cover what self... huh
Kaylee: ...*sighs* sheesh...you're more lost than my cat in a paper bag *sits at her desk and waits for the teacher to contuinue the lessons*
Kaylee: *walks back to the side walk and stops in front of Alex*
Alex: *scratching his head with his eyes closed slightly* *opens them when he hears her there* ah-!
Kaylee: creepy lolipop stalker!!
Alex: *blank stare*
Kaylee: *gives a big grin* ...so...why are you following me chubbs?
Alex: *looks down at himself for a bit after being called chubbs* ... uh
Alex: *points* I live that way
Kaylee: ahhh.....
Kaylee: well then ill let you get on your way
Kaylee: i won't distrupt your later plants of touching yourself reading playdude
Alex: ....they sell those here?
Kaylee: well i guess you'll find out eventually
Alex: ...... *seems to be trying to process something* ..... hey...
Kaylee: well i'll see you tomorrow lolipop man
Kaylee: *walks to her front door and walks in and closes the door*
Alex: I'm not going home to touch myself-- *way too late* ...
Kaylee: well...you're looking...cool as usual
Alex: *tucks one hand in his pocked and shifts the backpack over his shoulder again* It's not like I'm trying to..
Kaylee: i think you are *smiles*
Alex: then I guess being cool comes naturally *grins*
Kaylee: ...you're not cool...sorry fluffcakes
Alex: *slouches over* like I said I wasn't trying to be...
Kaylee: well whatever you're are being....its making you stand out in a stupid way
Alex: Well I can't help how I am = =....
Alex: besides I think you're the only one noticing, no one else has seen me talking
Kaylee: well...i'm well known in this school...and some of these people seem to hang off what i think and feel
Alex: *stares a bit* Well then don't say weird stuff about me!
Kaylee: hey hey hey...don't act like that
Alex: *scratches lightly at the middle of his nose* ...... Sorry.. it's just... ... nevermind..
Kaylee: ...its just what?
Alex: I don't fit in anywhere
Kaylee: ...well maybe you should try changing who you are a bit then
Alex: .............. *walks ahead of her suddenly* I already did...
Alex: *long sigh, pulls a fruit tart out of his lunchbox and 2 croissants with cheese*
Kaylee: still going to ignore me?
Alex: ..... i don't usually strike conversations..
Kaylee: well how do you expect to make friends...or get a girlfriend if you're gonna go about like that
Alex: ...... I could never make friends anyway
Kaylee: ...*sighs* ...if you keep up like that no not really
Alex: Trust me, no matter how I act it'll always be the same
Alex: People are always going to judge me. *chews on the croissant*
Alex: sho *mouth sort of full* I jush lettum think whatever they want
Alex: ...... i used to get beat up..
Kaylee: ...hahahahaha wow...well that explains a lot
Alex: ...huh?
Kaylee: well you act like your tough...but i guess your a softee
Alex: I never acted tough, why do you keep saying that?
Kaylee: look at you
Kaylee: ever looked into a mirror?
Alex: *sighs* why do you think I get beat up?
Alex: I can't HELP what I look like..
Kaylee: ........
Alex: *fumbles and eats some fruit off the tart* because I look like this, people expect me to act all tough and manly...
Alex: and when I don't... well.... you know how people can get...
Alex: when I do, I'm miserable and I wind up hurting people..
Alex: so naturally I just..stopped talking to people and tried staying to myself more..
Kaylee: ...that....sad..
Alex: well that's how it goes..
*they learn another bording lesson*
Alex: *winds up getting bored and chews some gum*
Kaylee: *looks at Alex a few times and smiles a bit*
Alex: *blows a bubble here and there, one time it makes a bit of a loud pop* *everyone looks* o_o . . . .
Kaylee: *giggles*
Jenny: *shakes her head at Alex*
Livia: *holds back a giggle*
Alex: ..... *slinks down in his chair awkwardly*
Kaylee: what did he get you?
Livia: *holds up some expensive earrings*
Kaylee: ...sheesh..
Jenny: ...oh wow....
Jenny: how did you react?
Livia: Oh I was so excited and happy, and of course i was all over him hehehe
Livia: So we both got what we wa-- AAEE!
Alex: *standing right in front of her and looking with his hands in his pockets, watching with a bit of a creepy stare* Girl talk, huh?
Livia: *pale*
Alex: *blinks* what...?
Kaylee: hey alex?
Jenny: .....hi.
Alex: Hi... .. um... is she ok *point at a sputtering Livia*
Kaylee: yea...i think she just got caught off guard
Jenny: ...
Livia: ahh eee-- ah bu--buh-- gu--
Alex: ......... *raises an eyebrow* uh.. sorry
Jenny: ..Liv relax..
Livia: *breathes* jeeze what a rude guy, popping up out of nowhere like that! and listening in on a girl's conversation too! hummppph!
Alex: *sweatdrop* it's not my fault you weren;t paying attention when you were walking, you know...
Kaylee: ....uh..
Jenny: ...well why did you stop you tard head
Alex: ... i spaced out *looking a bit nervous now*
Kaylee: ..Liv...Jen...stop being so rude..
Jenny: ....sorry..
Kaylee: ...and this is the grande finale...the beach...
Alex: ....wow..... i havn't seen water this blue ecept in pictures....
Kaylee: it is certainly beautiful
Kaylee: *sits on the endge of the sand and the water*
Kaylee: ...its a shame its not summer...
Kaylee: ....this was the one place i loved to come everyday *staring at th sun*
Alex: *shuffles his feet around the sand, making squeak sounds with his feet* .. heehee...
Kaylee: *knocks on alex's door at home*
Older man's voice: Alex could you be a sweetheart and get that please
Alex: yeah yeah
Alex: *answers* oh uh--
Kaylee: ..hi..
Kaylee: ...um...im sorry...about earlier..
Alex: *scratching his head and hopign she didn't hear his dad* y-yeah, it's ok, I'm not mad or anything..
Kaylee: um....can ...i come in?
Alex: uhh- sure- just a sec-- *shuts the door softly and runs back inside* Dad!
Father: Who is it darling--
Alex: it's a guest- shut upppp...
Father: *clears his throat* oh uh- right
Alex: *goes back to the door and opens it, smiling nervously
Alex: come on in, eheheh..
Kaylee: *smiles and walks in*
*the house seems very warm and cozy, despite a lot of empty walls and boxes, there's a very nice bakery smell to the place and the furtiture is casual and comfortable looking*
*a man in his early 40s is sitting in a big cussiony chair stirring some cake batter, he looks like a gentlemanly type and is smiling gently*
Alex: Dad- this is Kaylee.. Kaylee, my dad
Kaylee: ..nice to meet you *bows*
Father: And it's very nice to meet you too *nods and waves* if you want any cookies feel free to take some from the tray over there
Kaylee: sweet free shit
Father: *cocks a brow but chuckles*
Alex: *gives a bit of a sigh of releif*
Ahhh, if anyone even cared to read it, I hope you understand why I love Alex so much. There's a reason he's so awkward, but it's up to everyone to try and guess why ;3